Measure of Hope
"Psalm 39:7“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.
Who We Are
Fostering hope through housing and supportive services.
Measure of Hope provides housing assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Housing is the greatest unmet need of Americans living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS).
There are a broad spectrum of health conditions caused by infection with HIV/AIDS. It weakens a person’s immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. There is currently no effective cure for HIV. But housing combined with proper medical care, will help control the infection.
Access to adequate housing profoundly affects the health of Americans who are at-risk for or living with HIV/AIDS. This is particularly important as 140,000 households with HIV/AIDS in the U.S. currently lack stable housing and have an immediate need for housing assistance.
Our Approach
We Provide a Solution
Measure of Hope offers housing assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS and their families as they move from transient routines to independent, self sufficient lifestyles of permanent housing and continuous medical care.
An essential ingredient in helping people with HIV/AIDS achieve housing security is to link the appropriate supportive services. This approach is the keystone to successful program outcomes for housing permanence and access to care. Integrating housing with supportive services significantly reduces the incidence of crises in clients’ lives and improve the ability to remain stable in housing.
The overwhelming majority of clients come from lower socio-economic population groups. These segments can be difficult to communicate with, yet their use of Measure of Hope services gives them great benefits. The good news is if people are willing to accept help from Measure of Hope they are far more likely to be able to get out of the dire circumstances that they currently face.
— Our Mission
Measure of Hope mission is to locate suitable housing for persons living with HIV/AIDS while incorporating supportive services. Ultimately, this improves their quality of life by providing a comfortable environment which promotes unity, empowers self-sufficiency, restores vitality and ensures ongoing stability in housing to achieve the maximum independence possible during this difficult period in life.
— Our Vision
We coordinate services that facilitate the transition to acceptable housing for people living with HIV/AIDS who are willing and able to work towards independence by coordinating services that include meals, transportation, child care, housing counseling/case management, employment, substance abuse treatment, public benefits, and referral to outside services.
— Our Goal
Our goal is to provide housing and supportive services so that clients become self-sustaining individuals. Measure of Hope will make a significant impact on the Milwaukee community, in both short-term housing relief, and long-term health care.